Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first animated filmed produced by the Walt Disney Production in the year of 1937. This movie was was an adaptation based on the fairy tailed written by the Grimm Brothers, writers that contributed to other Disney movies too like Cinderella for example. Since the movie was the first full length animated film, it is considered one of the Walt Disney Animated Classic series even though they have created many new different versions throughout the years. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs had two premieres; the first one was in Hollywood on December 1937, and because of its success they decided to release it nationwide on February of the following year. Success was not only within their country, but internationally as well; the earnings were of $8 million and therefore assumed the record of highest grossing sound film on that time.
The achievements that the Walt Disney Productions had was not only monetary in view of the fact that they were awarded with and Oscar and nominated for the Best Musical Score. It is amazing to see the impacts that this movie brought to the people due to the reason that it was something new. Disney's first fairytale result in the creation of the popular theme park attraction, Snow White's Scary Adventure; a video game; and some Broadway Musicals.
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